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Urban landscapes between staticism and dynamism

At present in architecture in Italy it’s necessary decision making that in the existing istitutions and clients quite missing.   In the new area of expansion of our cities in the twentieth century to resolve the crisis of accomodations post war and post worker emigration it’s arrived yet another quantity of low quality architectures leaving the usual unsolved puzzle of expansions.   In the current suburbs it’s evident the problem of urban renewal together the creation of service for citizen not still available.     The designers often prefer get caged in overcome discussions rather than deal with problems of real requests of society or prefer don’t decide on development path deal for major questions rather than delude the ranks of supporters accumulated in the time. In our society with age-old story, designers prefer to talk about troublesome accademic discussion as the identity of italian architecture rather than modern style. This isn’t identity but staticism whether these discussion

From concept design to reality: from fractals to design

The accomplishment of a concept goes across a long way of many phase until the arrive of the product design to market where a client can buy it and the company can verify if the product collects the consent and the expetation of clients. If a design competition represents a way to see a great deal of possible concept or not, the accomplishment of a marketable concept is rather different. In architecture it's known before of a preliminary project there is an important step that it's to have a committment and a real demand of the architectural project respondent to the necessity of a service for city or people. In the design it's seems similar but the planning of an object is tied to the possible industrial production and if there isn't the market or clients for that product it's useles to begin a path for the concept design to the realized product. To plan, any object or in any scale, it's a complex operation. It supposes a synthesis of function, te

Fractal art and generative art: caos and order between forms and colors

When we speak about art, all of you consider classical sectors as painting, sculpture, photography and cinema without thinking that also in the programming and in the math there is the development of new artistic paths in line with the graphics and the digital art. They suppose a background of knowledge more extensive lied to mathematical algorithms and complex computer programming. If the experience in the fractal art allowed me to extend the artistic and mathematical competences, the generative art allowed me to put in practice this competences from the point of view of programming in a different way and in relation with digital graphics.   The common vision of both arts is in the fractal formulas on which is based the study of dinamic systems, in both cases we find the caos in the algorithms and only the designer decides how sets order. The fractals are geometric object with the character of auto-similarity as defined from the chaos theory and are described as recursive algorithms w

Fractal patterns and singularity: unicum and continuum, iteration and interaction

When I met fractals and fractal art, what aroused my interest were fractal patterns with their forms and geometric structure. These graphic elements are suitable for studies on pattern in architecture and in industrial design and they have the feature of being creative pattern very artistic and useful for digital art and drawing fabric in the fashion design. Their compositional relations, the way the form is repeated, and specially that patterns in which there are singolarity have been the object of my studies for many years before arriving at deconstructivism on digital images and in generative art. The most interesting aspect of the fractal patterns are the variation of structure for the overlap of different structures, the iteration and interaction of the structures between them, or the optical effect of light and colors on the structures.  Among all fractal patterns my interests are focused on patterns have deformation points and show a graphic singularity or discontinuity in the s

Fractal images: from the math of color and forms to deconstruction

When the first time I have deconstructed a fractal image, it's not been a good experiment, but all experimental artist know that the wrong attempt sometimes open new ways on different horizon. The image is still in the web and sometimes come out from the memories of google search... Sometimes maybe we are very conscious where we want to go but it's not always the initial path the right way to began because it's uneven, above all "the technique needs time to be refined and the theory needs time to be developed" .  The first images used were bidimensional and today I yet continue to work on that technique to deconstruct the fractal images inspite there are 3D software for fractal art and I often work with generative art where I use algorithm in movement rather then static images. The choise to deconstruct a fractal image it's not a chance; the fractal images are interesting but I wanted something different; I wanted my fractal images will be recognizable for e

Creative and security information specialist: the indipendence is a imperfect world of freedom

I was hoping don’t write again a critical post on some arguments because this publication is born with a different purpose, but the persistence of events not related to my will oblige me to write again a critical post. The indipendence and the freedom of thinking taught me by my parents, in south of Italy they often clashed with events didn’t depend from my will but from the circumstances where the diversity and the creativity aren’t view as an added value that can innovate a process for the improvement of society.    Before me, many independent creatives and ethical hackers have talk about this subject, I could have to refrain to speak but I’m a creative coder and sometimes I don’t accept the interference of some people that aren’t in the sector of creativity and computing.  Many people define itself “creative”or “security information specialist”, also when it’s not so.  A client call a physician, a lawyer or an accountant because you need of that professional worker and you aren’t ab

Creative and Cyber Security Specialist: my history is different

In the first post I have drawn up a series of topics on which to write but a series of events, unrelated to my will, that have prevented me in the recent months to continue serenely for the professional road I had chosen, they oblige me to diverge from that imaginary line drafted to argue some critic issues. As a woman who chose Engineering when all the girls made choices of university courses easier because gently encouraged by families rather than aware of their real needs; as a woman, who since she was still a teenager would have liked to be an entrepreneur in the various innovative sectors, I regret to note that all these years has not changed much. Even if it can be anachronistic, for many people it’s difficult to accept that women can choose a path give them economic autonomy but especially freedom of thinking and even if it’s be absurd sometimes arrive some events that even the fantasy cannot imagine. In the choices for my personal and formative necessity I have learned a fundam